
Beautiful Thought In January (Check It Out)

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,”

This Article includes 31 Beautiful Thought In The Month Of January


January 1st

Christianity wants nothing so much in the world as sunny people, and the old are hungrier for love than for bread, and the Oil of Joy is very cheap, and if you can help the poor on with a Garment of Praise it will be better for them than blankets.

January 2nd

No one who knows the content of Christianity, or feels the universal need of a Religion, can stand idly by while the intellect of his age is slowly divorcing itself from it.

January 3rd

A Science without mystery is unknown; a Religion without mystery is absurd. However far the scientific method may penetrate the Spiritual World, there will always remain a region to be explored by a scientific faith.

January 4th

Among the mysteries which compass the world beyond, none is greater than how there can be in store for man a work more wonderful, a life more God-like than this.

January 5th

The Spiritual Life is the gift of the Living Spirit. The spiritual man is no mere development of the Natural man. He is a New Creation born from Above.

January 6th

Love is success, Love is happiness, Love is life. God is Love. Therefore LOVE.

January 7th

Give me the Charity which delights not in exposing the weakness of others, but “covereth all things.”

January 8th

There is a sense of solidity about a Law of Nature which belongs to nothing else in the world. Here, at last, amid all that is shifting, is one thing sure; one thing outside ourselves, unbiased, unprejudiced, uninfluenced by like or dislike, by doubt or fear. . . . This more than anything else makes one eager to see the Reign of Law traced in the Spiritual Sphere.

January 9th

With Nature as the symbol of all of harmony and beauty that is known to man, must we still talk of the supernatural, not as a convenient word, but as a different order of world, . . . where the Reign of Mystery supersedes the Reign of Law?

January 10th

The Reign of Law has gradually crept into every department of Nature, transforming knowledge everywhere into Science. The process goes on, and Nature slowly appears to us as one great unity, until the borders of the Spiritual World are reached.

January 11th

No single fact in Science has ever discredited a fact in Religion.

January 12th

I shall never rise to the point of view which wishes to “raise” faith to knowledge. To me, the way of truth is to come through the knowledge of my ignorance to the submissiveness of faith, and then, making that my starting-place, to raise my knowledge into faith.

January 13th

If the purification of Religion comes from Science, the purification of Science, in a deeper sense, shall come from Religion.

January 14th

With the demonstration of the naturalness of the supernatural, skepticism even may come to be regarded as unscientific. And those who have wrestled long for a few bare truths to ennoble life and rest their souls in thinking of the future will not be left in doubt.

January 15th

The religion of Jesus has probably always suffered more from those who have misunderstood than from those who have opposed it.

January 16th

It is impossible to believe that the amazing successions of revelations in the domain of Nature, during the last few centuries, at which the world has all but grown tired wondering, are to yield nothing for the higher life.

January 17th

Is life not full of opportunities for learning love? Every man and woman every day has a thousand of them.

January 18th

What is Science but what the Natural World has said to natural men? What is Revelation but what the Spiritual World has said to Spiritual men?

January 19th

Life depends upon contact with Life. It cannot spring up out of itself. It cannot develop out of anything that is not Life. There is no Spontaneous Generation in religion any more than in Nature. Christ is the source of Life in the Spiritual World; and he that hath the Son hath Life, and he that hath not the Son, whatever else he may have, hath not Life.

January 20th

It is a wonderful thing that here and there in this hard, uncharitable world, there should still be left a few rare souls who think no evil.

January 21st

The physical Laws may explain the inorganic world; the biological Laws may account for the development of the organic. But of the point where they meet, of that strange borderland between the dead and the living, Science is silent. It is as if God had placed everything in earth and heaven in the hands of Nature, but reserved a point at the genesis of Life for His direct appearing.

January 22nd

Except a mineral be born “from above”–from the Kingdom just ABOVE it–it cannot enter the Kingdom just above it. And except a man be born “from above,” by the same law, he cannot enter the Kingdom just above him.

January 23rd

If we try to influence or elevate others, we shall soon see that success is in proportion to their belief of our belief in them.

January 24th

The world is not a play-ground; it is a school-room. Life is not a holiday, but an education. And the one eternal lesson for us all is how better we can love.

January 25th

What a noble gift it is, the power of playing upon the souls and wills of men, and rousing them to lofty purposes and holy deeds.

January 26th

The test of Religion, the final test of Religion, is not Religiousness, but Love.

January 27th

There are not two laws of Bio-genesis, one for the natural, the other for the Spiritual; one law is for both. Where-ever there is Life, Life of any kind, this same law holds.

January 28th

The first step in peopling these worlds with the appropriate living forms is virtually miracle. Nor in one case is there less of mystery in the act than in the other. The second birth is scarcely less perplexing to the theologian than the first to the embryologist.

January 29th

There may be cases–they are probably in the majority– where the moment of contact with the Living Spirit, though sudden, has been obscure. But the real moment and the conscious moment are two different things. Science pronounces nothing as to the conscious moment. If it did, it would probably say that that was seldom the real moment– The moment of birth in the natural world is not a conscious moment—we do not know we are born till long afterward.

January 30th

The stumbling block to most minds is perhaps less the mere existence of the unseen than the want of definition, the apparently hopeless vagueness, and not least, the delight in this vagueness as mere vagueness by some who look upon this as the mark of quality in Spiritual things. It will be at least something to tell earnest seekers that the Spiritual World is not a castle in the air, of an architecture unknown to earth or heaven, but a fair ordered realm furnished with many familiar things and ruled by well-remembered Laws.

January 31st

Character grows in the stream of the world’s life. That chiefly is where men are to learn love.




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