Google Find My Device app now has a new look.

Google has updated its Find My Device app with Material You to improve the look and feel.

If you’ve been wishing for Google’s Find My Device app to receive a facelift, you’re in luck since the company is releasing a significant upgrade that will improve the program’s look and feel based on the company’s Material You design.

The app appears to have undergone a complete redesign, giving it a much more contemporary appearance. With the new look, the app now adheres to the most recent Material Design for Android, which was first unveiled with Android 12 as Material You and then enhanced with Android 13. The app’s slick new appearance, addition of dark mode, and ability to bring devices front and center when launched will undoubtedly appeal to many.

Rahman continues by saying that this upgrade also establishes “improved tracking” that will be included at a later date. This new tracking technique has the advantage of enabling consumers to track their gadget even when it is offline. Most significantly, the last known position of the device will be encrypted.

The Find My Device app is now in version 2.4.065-3 on the Google Play Store, while the revised UI build is at build 2.5.001. You may always get the update via third-party site APK Mirror if you’re not the patient kind to wait for it to appear in the Play Store.



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