

Emotions can master our minds, take over our lives, and destroy our future. It is up to you to deal with your emotions while learning how to command and master the emotions. The emotions are human makeup that stems from natural inborn sources, while as the emotions grow (birth – child – adult) the emotions learn, believe, misconceive, disbelieve, teach, lie, deceive, etc. The emotions are powerful, since emotions stem from the hearts learning as well, which the heart is deceptive. This is where fact-finding comes into play, since if you do not have facts you will lack confidence, self-esteem, self- assurance, self-trust, self-respect, and all those other words that make a human being whole. This brings us to problems. The problems include acting on impulses, becoming angry, experience sadness, emptiness, and the like. Most times when you hear of alcoholism, drug additions, nicotine additions, criminal minds, psychological problems, and the like you are hearing about people who have not mastered their mind to command their emotions.
Now we can move into impulsive response to see how the emotions work.

Table of Contents

Impulsive Response to How to Command and Master the Emotions

Have you ever meet one of those people that talks, talks, talks, yak, yak, yaks and never seems to shut up? These people can drive you “nuts, nuts, nuts.” The problem however is not the person as a whole; rather it is likely the person has Bipolar, which is a chemical imbalance in the mind that forces impulses to act out without reasoning or thinking. Alternatively, it could be that the person has difficulty controlling his or her emotion, which includes emotive, emotionalist, and emotionalize. While it takes you to control your emotions, whilst commanding and mastering your mind, to deal with these people, it takes the person to gain control of his/her emotions. Still, encountering this type of person can put loads of weight on your mind as you struggle to hear what the person is saying, and as he/she talks in rapid successions.

First, we must look at the problem. The problem is within the person and not the person him/her self. Toss out that old saying, “You have a problem,” since the person is never the problem, rather it is the source inside the mind, which sparks the emotions. This brings us to emotions, heart, feeling, and thinking. This person needs to understand his/her human makeup more clearly, since it is the ultimate method in getting to the problem. Therefore, I will define emotions, feelings, while briefing touching basis on the feelings.

Emotions: Emotions sometimes are obsolete. This means that the emotions are no longer useful or in usage, rather it is imperfect. Emotions are sometimes complex and stalwart state of the mind response. The responses can induce or expose physiological alterations. The emotions are parts of our mind that works with the conscious while promoting sensitivities and feelings, such as anger, sadness, joy, fear, etc. What underlies the emotions produces results. We can discuss this underlying source shortly.

Now, emotional state of mind is at what time a person is sensitive and may act on his or her emotions. We can also consider emotionalism whereas a person will tend to place higher value on the emotions, rather than his or her thinking processes. This is a person, which speaks, or acts out excessively on emotions, rather than thought. Then we have emotionalist, which another excessive usage of emotions person. This person will illustrate his/her emotions by usage of his/her conduct, rhetoric, or thoughts. Rarely will the person demonstrate reasoning. Continuing we can see that emotionalize people imparts from their characteristics of emotions, while emotionless people lack the ability to show emotions. Still, emotive people relates to the emotions, while using expressions or expressing the emotions from arousers.

Now let’s think for a minute as we review the emotion definitions. Look through the information and tell me what type of person you think we are talking about at the beginning of this article? We can see this person often expresses emotional actions. We can see this person is also emotionalism, as well as emotionalist. The person also has signs of possibly slightly emotive. A person in command and mastering his emotions will show emotive responses, as well as emotionalized responses through conduct, language, and thoughts. The emotionalized person imparts his emotions by communicating knowledge and information while giving quality to impressive or interesting to him.

Still, we have considered that all aspects spoken in the article of emotions comprise each one of us. The difference is we all have different background, experiences, beliefs, and teachings. In addition, we all handle what we learn differently. This brings us to feelings. It is important to understand how feelings connect to our emotions. As we write I want to point out that I am a firm believer that understanding what you are dealing with is the first step in healing and moving toward commanding and mastering the emotions. Furthermore, once you have an understanding of what you are dealing with you can grow to accept and move forward.

We can see however that the persons spoke of in this article are acting on impulses, which stem from varies methods of the emotional responses. Feelings overall mark the emotional responses. In other words, if a husband strokes his wife’s hair, it sparks an emotion, which provides her a sensational feeling.

How to Command and Master Your Emotions

The emotions are not an easy task to master. To command the emotions you need some intense abilities to look inside you and pull up some of your leadership qualities to put the mind to work. Emotions are feeling-packed thoughts that stem from the heart. The heart is deceiving and will mislead the mind, thus to understand emotions you have to go deep and beyond and put your emotions to the test by understanding and controlling the heart.

Still, emotions are good-working sources provided to us through a wonderful creation. It is possible to understand emotions, which could lead you to command the emotions and become the master of your mind. Yet, what does it take? It takes removing doubts, lies, deceit, hate, envy, and all those ugly other words out of your head and heart. If you have traps, blind spots, or tripping triggers you will not master, nor command the emotions to do anything.

Now, we can go on many levels to command and master emotions, however, we can start with the basics for now. At one time in your life, you will have to grasp a truer meaning of religion, because false religion (False Christianity) is a prime source of lies. In other words, many churches teach lies and people believe them. While there is one true religion, which is spoken of in God’s word, the fact is the majority of religious leaders teach you untruths. The fact is superstition is a lie and the Catholics first taught it during the 1800s. Why am I telling you this? Because the mind wanders and thinks, as well, the emotions feed from the heart and mind. IF the head has lies, it will affect the heart and emotions, which in turn puts the emotions in control and you on the backlines trying to figure it out. Still, you have an inner child within that either helps you or else harms you.

Today we are going to work on your inner child. The inner child is the person that you left standing in childhood and that still plays a vital part in your mind, emotions and heart. If you have an impulsive response, thus it is because you have an inner child driving you feelings and/or emotions. Most times these impulses will infringe on other people’s rights and may even hurt their feelings. This is at what time you unleash the leader inside you to gain control.

The problem is you have practiced obeying those impulses. The key is to practice to control your impulses by controlling your child within. The more you practice the more your emotions and heart, as well as your feelings stemmed from the heart and emotions will obey your commands.

A person that has not mastered his emotions will often make other people’s life miserable. Most times these people live for the minute, instead of taking it one day at a time. The person often views his/her loved ones as slaves while he/she dictates their every move. Sometimes the behaviors lead to excessive alcohol usage, drug usage, excessive eating, poor diet, tempers, uncontrolled emotions, and a saddened heart.

How can you overcome this behavior? You can turn those impulses and slaving emotions into a positive force. Now you are the slave of your emotions. You must take control of these emotions. This means you will need to develop that child within you and retrain the child so that he/she begins to see that maturity has to take place. It’s time to grow up child.


Prosper Dougoli

Prosper Dougoli, also known as a Bomzydget, is a young Ghanaian tech and finance content creator.

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